Me Vuelve Loco Tu Forma De Ser Lyrics is a popular song by the Spanish band Los Auténticos Decadentes. It is a lively and upbeat track that never fails to get people on their feet and dancing. The lyrics are catchy and easy to sing along to, making it a favorite at parties and gatherings. In this article, we will take a closer look at the lyrics of this song and provide some tips on how to sing it with passion and style.

The Meaning Behind the Lyrics

Me Vuelve Loco Tu Forma De Ser translates to “Your Way of Being Drives Me Crazy” in English. The song is all about being fascinated and infatuated with someone’s unique personality and charm. It talks about the irresistible attraction one feels towards a person who is full of life and brings joy to those around them.

The lyrics are filled with playful and romantic phrases that express the singer’s admiration and desire for the person they are singing about. It is a celebration of love and the power of someone’s character to captivate and enchant.

Singing Tips

Me Vuelve Loco Tu Forma De Ser Lyrics is a fun song to sing, but it can be challenging to keep up with the fast-paced rhythm and energetic melody. Here are some tips to help you master this catchy tune:

1. Listen to the Song

Before attempting to sing the song, familiarize yourself with the melody and rhythm by listening to the original version. Pay attention to the phrasing and pronunciation of the lyrics to get a feel for the song’s flow.

2. Practice Pronunciation

Spanish pronunciation can be tricky, especially for non-native speakers. Take the time to practice the pronunciation of each word in the lyrics. You can use online resources or language learning apps to help you perfect your pronunciation.

3. Break it Down

If you find certain parts of the song challenging, break them down into smaller sections and practice them individually. Once you feel comfortable with each section, try putting them together and singing the whole song.

4. Sing with Passion

Me Vuelve Loco Tu Forma De Ser Lyrics is a song that is meant to be sung with passion and enthusiasm. Don’t be afraid to let loose and express yourself while singing. Put your heart into it and embrace the lively and upbeat nature of the song.

Common Challenges and Solutions

While singing Me Vuelve Loco Tu Forma De Ser Lyrics, you may encounter some challenges. Here are a few common ones and how to overcome them:

1. Fast-paced Lyrics

The song has a quick tempo, and the lyrics are sung rapidly. This can make it difficult to keep up, especially for beginners. Practice singing the song slowly at first, focusing on the timing and rhythm. Gradually increase the speed as you become more comfortable with the lyrics.

2. Complex Pronunciation

Spanish pronunciation can be challenging, particularly for non-native speakers. Take the time to learn the correct pronunciation of each word in the lyrics. Use online resources, such as pronunciation guides or language learning apps, to help you practice and improve your skills.

3. High Energy Performance

The song is known for its high energy and lively performance. To match the spirit of the song, channel your inner enthusiasm and let it show in your performance. Don’t be afraid to dance, move around, and engage with the audience while singing.


Here are a few examples of the catchy and romantic lyrics from Me Vuelve Loco Tu Forma De Ser:

“Tu risa me hace libre, me vuelve loco tu forma de ser” – “Your laughter sets me free, your way of being drives me crazy”

“Cada día te quiero más, sos mi amor, mi alegría” – “Every day I love you more, you are my love, my joy”

“No me canso de mirarte, de admirarte y de soñar” – “I never tire of looking at you, admiring you, and dreaming”


1. Official Website of Los Auténticos Decadentes

2. SpanishDict

3. Duolingo